girl taking picture of her friends on phone

Our Employee Scholar Program

We have world-class learning for our world-class people

Notre Employee Scholar Program (ESP) est l’un des programmes de formation parrainés par une entreprise les plus complets au monde. Son objectif : vous aider à être toujours à la pointe de votre métier.

Nous investissons dans votre développement de différentes manières, en prenant en charge les frais d'inscription ou en nouant des partenariats avec les meilleures universités.

jiten vaghela

Invaluable exposure to different parts of the business

- Jiten Vaghela

charles jiang

One big step to understanding the world better

- Charles Jiang

courtney dornell

Provides the opportunity to grow academically and as a leader globally

- Courtney Dornell

kaye allfrey

Otis invests in their employees and shows it through ESP

- Kaye Allfrey


ESP allows our employees to expand their skills, positioning them for career advancement and serving as a valuable hedge against the uncertainties of a fast-changing work environment. We provide opportunities for our employees to expand their skills in a truly meaningful way.